Tuesday, October 30, 2012



If you click the link above you will see the juggling Animoto that Emily and I made. First we did a title then added 11 of the photos. After, we added some music. Next Emily and I showed room12 the Animoto.
To me juggling is quite hard but room12 got told to start simple by using one ball first. To use one ball for juggling you have to make a rainbow in the middle of your hands. Next room12 got in to partners and had a try with two balls. To use two balls we started with making a rainbow in the middle of your hands with one ball, while that ball is in the air you have to pass the other ball to your other hand. After we did that with two balls we did the same but the one you pass to your other hand goes in the air as well. Here is a photo of me

Monday, September 24, 2012

Paired Writing

This term room12 have been doing paired writing. My buddy was Raniera and I was a tutor. 3 things I have learnt is to put full stops at the end of my sentences all the time. To think fast and to write more words all the time. 2 things about Raniera is that he improved on how many words he writes and he sounds out the words he can not spell. 1 thing that challenged me was that he sometimes does not listen. But it was fun.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Matamata junior swim meet

On Saturday 15th of September I did the Matamata junior meet which is a swim meet. I did 6 races and 2 relays. I came 3rd in the 100 meter backstroke, 4th in the 50 meter backstroke, 6th in the 100 meter breaststroke, 6th in the 100 meter imedlry, 7th in the 100 meter freestyle, 9th in the 50 meter butterfly, 8th in the 100 meter medley. I had so much fun.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My speech on the Compsognathus

On Wednesday the 6th of June room12 shared their speeches. I think I did well with my eye contact, memorising and facts. I think I need to work on speed of delivery and expression. One thing I learnt from Tia's speech was that Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. I really liked listening to all the speeches.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Term 3

This term I'm looking forward to Wacky Olympics, School Production and Cross Country. Two things I would like to improve on are my spelling and my typing. One thing I would like to do is a lead in the school production. I think this term is going to be really fun.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

cool and worm art

Room12 are learning about hot and cool colours. In hot there are five I know of and thay are pink for candyfloss red for fire orange for sun yellow for banana and brown for dirt in cool I only know three thay are blue for water green for grass and purple for dress. With the colours we did desk mats. To make the desk mats we started by doing our name in capital letters then we did a wavy Border some people did a strate Border I did a wavy Border. Then we coloured the border in a cool or hot colour I did a cool colour. Next we coloured our names in hot or a cool colour I did a cool colour. After that we did our back ground in hot or cool I did hot.Here is my desk mat

Swimming sports

On thursday the 8th of march the seniors did swimming sports. To get there we went on a bus the bus was comfortable. When we got to the town pools we had lunch then got dressed. Finally we started swimming. The first race was the medley I came first. Then one length freestyle I came first in that one too. Then one length backstroke I came second. Then one length breststroke. Room 12 had so much fun.


In room12 we learnt plurals. Plurals are when you make noun not one but two things example (thing to things ) for this one all you need to do is add an s because it ends in g. If the noun ends with o, an x, ss, ch and sh to make it a plural you add an es. If the noun ends with f you take the f of and add ves like loaf to loaves. Some nouns that end with o gust add s like kilo to kilos.  Here are some more examples, chip to chips,  flash to flashes, box to boxes and elf to elves.

Monday, May 28, 2012

room12s assembly

On Friday 25th May room12 had a assembly about remembrance for ANZAC.I was a host and it was nerve raking for me but I did it. We did three plays the first one was a play on Morse code the second one was training in Egypt and there was fighting against Turkey. I think everyone had fun. Here is a picture about the assembly.

Monday, May 14, 2012

what I am looking forward to this term

Well let me think...Oh I know I am looking forward to learning more about Anzac day like why do people wear poppy's?.Next I am looking forward to doing my speech but I am also nervous to do the speech because I am not confident about talking in front of people even though I have done it before.I am trying out for the jump jam team and I hope I get in because I really enjoy doing it.To top it off I would like to have fun with my friends and class.


Remembrance is our topic and room12 have learnt about ANZAC. For ANZAC I have learnt how to make wreaths.To make wreaths we had to get a paper plate, four peaces of red paper, a pencil, and a black felt. On the peaces of paper we drawed poppy's and put a dot in the middle. After that cut a hole in the middle of the paper plate. Then glue the poppy's on. Finally write a message and glue it in the middle. Now here are some examples about the ANZAC slang I did 1.a pill is a bullet 2.possie is clothes 3.banjo is a corpse or dead soldier.I think I did well but I don't think I got them right. That is some of what I have learnt about ANZAC.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

roman numerals

Last week Melissa, Tia and I made a poster about Roman Numerals. To make it we had to learn all about Roman Numerals. Then we made a draft in our maths book with some facts and some pictures. After that we got a pice of paper and copied the draft onto it. Finaly we coloured it in and we were finished. Here is some facts 1. did you know that m in Roman Numerals is 1000 2. did you know that Roman Numerals use letters from our alphabet. Here is a picture of our poster.

Monday, April 2, 2012


On Monday the second of April, room12 did some gymnastics with people from Sport Waikato. It was fun. My favourite thing was the beat board where you have to run and jump with two feet. Then you land with two feet in a motor bike position and hold that position for three seconds. After that you swing your arms up to show you are done. Here is a photo

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

kaylas amazing cake

It is Tuesday 29th of March and it's my last day of being 9. Today I brought a cake to school and it was a burger cake. Here are some photos: